Managing and creating member sign-up forms

Sign-up forms can be used to enroll members digitally, online or through a device at your gym. Your Gymdesk account starts with a default sign-up form, which you can customize to your preference.

You can also create additional sign-up forms for different purposes such as signing up people to different programs, age groups or special promotions (you can show different fields and membership options in each form).

To manage your sign-up forms, go to "Members" from the main menu, click on "Settings" from the sub navigation, then scroll down to the "Sign-up Forms" section. Click on the pencil icon to edit a form, or the "Add Form" button to add a new sign-up form.

You can get a direct link for the sign-up form by clicking on the name of your form from the member settings.

Let's take a look at what you can customize for each form:

The top part includes based details about the form itself.

  • Form name: Use this field to tell your forms apart - use a descriptive name for each form.
  • Default form for: You can assign different forms to use in your manager account, in the front desk mode and as your default website sign-up form.
  • Title above form: Show a title above your form (For website sign-up forms only).

The member details section allows you to customize the basic fields collected from each member. Clicking on the "eye" icon changes the visibility of a field, and clicking on the * on the left determines if that field is require or not.

  • Default Member Type: You can allow members to select what member type they are signing up for by toggling on "Allow Type Selection". If you toggle this setting off, it will default to the member type you have selected.  Your two options are member and visitor. Keep in mind that visitors can only access trial memberships.
  • Check-in code: Members can select their own check-in code upon sign-up. You can require it by selecting the bubble next to the field name or hide it by clicking the eye. 
  • Custom fields: If you've created any custom fields in the Member Settings, those will appear here. You can make those visible and optionally required from this section.

You can hide or show sections for address input, emergency contacts and a member photo using the "Show / Hide" toggle button on the right. Each of those can be made as required to fill out using the checkbox on the left.


You can enable membership selection during sign-up, and optionally make it required to select a membership. 

  • You can select specific memberships to appear on the sign-up form for members to select upon sign-up. If none are selected, all membership options will appear. 
  • You can optionally allow members to select their own start date as well (otherwise it will default to the same day they signed-up). 

You can select which documents to show for signature on this sign-up form (typically liability waivers). Please note that you should not select documents that are assigned to individual memberships, as those would be shown when those memberships are selected by the member. 

You can enable a separate section for medical conditions disclosure on the form.

You can enable a section that asks members how they found your business. This helps you understand how your marketing efforts are performing, and we'd recommend leaving this section enabled.

If the online member accounts feature is enabled in your account, you can have members select their password during sign-up.

You can add a section at the end of the form for payment collection for the selected membership. Their card will be saved securely on file using the payment processor you connected in your billing settings.

Additional Form Settings:

You can set up a few additional options for each form dealing with what happens after a form is successfully submitted.

  • Redirect Link: You can have the page automatically redirect back to any website. This only works with the standalone website sign-up form.
  • Thank you message: You can customize the thank you message that will appear after sign-up.
  • Javascript conversion snippet: This is where you can connect external tracking tools, such as Google analytics, Google ads, Facebook ads, etc. This will trigger after the sign-up is complete so you can track the conversion in your tracking tool. 

Invite to sign-up:

Now that you've set up your sign-up form(s), you can directly invite members to sign-up. Go to the "Members" from the main menu. This will bring you to your members list. Click the black "invite" button.

You can invite leads to sign-up as well. Click into their lead profile and select the "invite to sign-up" button under their name. 

This will bring you to a screen where you can put the member's name, email and phone number. You can adjust the subject and contents of the message, select what sign-up form, and you can even pre-select a membership for them if you already know what membership they're interested in.

You can also select the default sign-up form for invites via settings -> members -> sign up forms -> edit sign up form -> select default for "email invite".