Member Rosters

Rosters group members into groups that train together on a specific schedule. Rosters can be assigned classes on the schedule, and a member that becomes a part of a roster can access all the classes as part of that roster.

Rosters can also be assigned to memberships, simplifying creating multiple membership options with similar session access.

Managing Rosters

Rosters can be created and managed by going to "Members" -> "Rosters" from the main menu.

Clicking on the calendar icon next to each rosters will allow you to assign sessions to that rosters. Members can access all sessions in a roster they're a part of.

Assigning sessions to a roster

In addition to clicking on the calendar icons in the roster management screen, you can also click on the "Assign Roster" on the schedule management screen to assign sessions to a roster.

Click on individual sessions in the schedule to add or remove it from the roster, and then click on the check mark above to confirm, or the "X" icon to cancel.

Adding Rosters to Memberships

Adding a roster to a membership will automatically assign that roster to a member who adds that membership to their profile, or picks that membership during sign-up.

You can add rosters to a membership when creating it or editing it, under the "Access to Training" section.

You can assign multiple memberships to a roster, all of which will be assigned to a member who adds this membership to their account. Optionally, you can instead require the member to pick one of the rosters that are available for the membership. This allows you to offer multiple different schedules for members to pick from when adding a membership.

When a membership that has rosters expires, is frozen or cancelled, members with that membership will lose access to that roster until that membership is reactivated.

Adding Members To Rosters

In addition to adding members to rosters via memberships, you can also add members to rosters directly. There are two ways in which you can add members to a roster:

1. You can add rosters to a member from their member profile. Click on "Add to roster" in the "Rosters" section on the member profile to add a roster to that member, and click on the "X" button to remove an existing roster from that member.

2. You can assign members to a roster in bulk using the mass member actions on the members list. Click on the "Select" button in the bottom left corner of the members list, select the members to add to the roster, then click on the "Actions" button. Select "Add to roster" from the actions dropdown to assign those members to a roster.